The Federated Wiki demo for the MicroHAMS Digital Conference involved components built independently by three experimenters, David Turnbull, Russell Senior and Ward Cunningham.
We're assembling a WiFi access point and a 20m software defined radio to make a federated wiki to psk-31 bridge.
Ward Cunningham, Russell Senior and David Turnbull show off the WiFi, SFW and SDR integration.
David built twadio.rb, a psk-31 modulator using precomputed waveforms over a period of a few days. This runs using on the order of 6% cpu on the Raspberry Pi model B computer.
Russell built the network independent wireless access point that is preconfigured to route select traffic to the Raspberry Pi based on its mac address.
Ward built the server-side transmitter control federated wiki plugin over a few days. This allows wiki collaborative content management to be used for creating and scheduling transmissions.
Power ap, expect ready in 2 min, look for wan lamp. Power radio, connect to pi any time. Power pi, wait 1 min for inactivity, connect ap.
ssh to cd express sh
Clean out laptop's /etc/hosts before use with Russell's access point.
Expect dhcp to assign ip address for access point and for Pi.
Change default transmit frequency to 14.0715. Note that the suggested range for 20 meters would be from 14.070.100 to 14.073.000.
Remove the three-second transmit pause. Test that twadio.rb will stop when killed.